OUR FLAG By Joseph Weinburger, USCG (2001) She's called Old Glory by most old timers as she flies for all to see from every mast and every staff where men are all born free From days of Fort McHenry star spangled banner, she waves above our freemen's land for all the world to see And from those days she's served us well as emblem of our cause serving as a rally point she waves without a pause She flies where free men live and thrive because of others gone before who cared enough for freedom's cause through all the days of yore In peace or war she proudly waves her stars and stripes unfurled here at home or carried by our ships around the world 'Neath this banner held and proud men rally to the call for justice served and justice done while standing brave and tall Men and women have served her well stood ready with support for under God our nation stands as freedom's mighty fort.