DCPVB.COM (Dolphin Cove Ponte Vedra Beach) Terms of Service - October 4, 2021
- We have designed the site dcpvb.com to facilitate communications for the Dolphin Cove Community in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.
- This site was developed and maintained by volunteers for our non-profit community association.
- This site was designed to be safe and secure and can be safely accessed by all ages.
DCPVB.COM (Dolphin Cove Ponte Vedra Beach) Privacy Statement - October 4, 2021
- Except for privledged users, our website code does not read, set or store cookies for typical users.
- We utilize Google Analytics to observe usage....nothing more.
- We use industry-standard SSL encryption software for secure connections.
- In today's world of malware we cannot guarantee that our site will not be breached, by a malicious actor.
- Contact us at dolphin.cove@outlook.com if something on the site does not look right.
- Always follow safe computer practices. Cleanup cookies periodically, use VPN software when appropriate, use vigilance when opening email, keep your computer applications, web browser and operating system up to date. DCPVB.COM will not be responsible for any damages.
- When you click on the PayPal link you leave our site. Therefore your PayPal userid / password, personal information such as name, address and credit card number cannot be read as you are not on dcpvb.com.
- If you prefer, you may pay dues and donations by check to membership chair.